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The I40TPC is being developed by a unique array of public entities and private companies that have come together to create a product that is both vital to improving conditions for industry and important to support national and regional public policy objectives.

This extraordinarily unique public-private partnership has broken new ground by the assembly of a delivery structure designed to develop an interconnected complex system of infrastructure at TradePort hubs over a wide geography.

GLD Partners has brought the project forward and is acting as the Master Project Developer in a close partnership with an array of public sector partners. The project will be largely supported by private investment, and a TradePort Consortium of private companies that has been created to structure the system.

This partnership includes active participation by a spectrum of public entities including federal, state, and local governments and seaport authorities.

Public Partner

  • Bernalillo County
  • Sandoval County
  • Village of Los Lunas
  • City of Winslow
  • City of Kingman/Mohave County
  • University of California PATH
  • University of New Mexico
  • Mohave Community College
  • Pioneer Community College
  • Port of Los Angeles
  • State of New Mexico
  • State of Arizona


  • Public Sector Coordinator
  • Local Government Partner
  • Local Government Partner
  • Local government partner
  • Local government partner
  • University technology partner
  • University technology partner
  • Higher-learning tech partner
  • Higher-learning tech partner
  • Seaport partner
  • State government partner
  • State government partner
  • Federal designation/partner

The project is supported by an array of private partners representing transportation, property development, logistics, energy, technology, and risk capital. Atlas Global Development is a strategic investment partner for TradePort Winslow.

More broadly, an array of strategic private operating and risk capital partners are involved via the TradePort Consortium which includes: shippers, truck manufacturers, truck fleet operators, railroads, logistics operators, risk capital infrastructure investors. GLDPartners brought the Consortium together to strategically plan, develop and operate TradePort hub projects and assets. UC Berkeley PATH is involved working on technology partnerships. PATH is a global leader and partner with industry in technology development and deployment of intelligent transportation systems.

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